Friday, August 23, 2013

Jen's Stir-fry of Glory

Unless we're baking, we don't generally measure anything; it just feels like a more organic process to not be backed into a corner with measurements. 

* Fresh vegetables: bell peppers - red, yellow, or orange; broccoli; carrots; bok choy or other leafy green, garlic; onions
* Vegetarian protein: tofu, tempeh, chick peas, etc. (You can marinate this beforehand or not at all)
* Brown rice, forbidden rice (look it up if you need to, it's delicious), quinoa, or other whole grains
* Sauce: tamari (gluten free soy sauce), peanut sauce, soy ginger sauce, etc. 
* Oil: coconut oil or some type of olive oil; toss on a small amount of sesame oil at the end
* Spices: garlic powder, cumin, lime juice, sesame seeds (toasted), nutritional yeast

* Use preheated grains or start cooking the grains first
* Chop the vegetables. I like to make them different sizes to keep it interesting.
* Heat up the oil in a large pan or wok
* Saute garlic and onions
* Add the vegetarian protein first and stir until lightly browned
* Then add the vegetables, starting in order of what cooks the slowest (I.e. carrots and broccoli, followed by the peppers, followed by the greens)
* Stir-fry all of this, making sure everything is spread evenly on the pan, otherwise everything will steam and get mushy. 
* Add the sauces/spices during or afterwards, it's up to you!
* If it seems done, taste it and find out. Make whatever changes you deem necessary.
* Enjoy! and share if you must. 

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